Am I going to get enough protein, nutrients, calories, etc.?
Apple Wax - How do you defeat it!
Apple and most veggie/fruit wax is used to help the preservation of the fruit during transportation. Since the majority of our produce comes from overseas or across the land, this process is used to preserve freshness and seal in moisture.
Organic produce is typically coated with a beeswax or plant-based wax which meets organic standards and applicable laws for handling of organic foods. In comparison to non-organic produce that can be coated with petroleum based waxes. If you do purchase non-organic produce be sure to never eat the peel/skin.
To wash off organic wax here are two methods you can use among many:
Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (Or a few drops of lemon essential oil) and 1 tablespoon of baking soda per 1 gallon of water, and if you wish some vinegar.
Add 1 tablespoon of Dr. Bronners no fragrance castile soap to 1 gal of water.
Using a veggie scrubby brush, or a stainless steel scouring pad, lightly brushing all surfaces.
Eat or juice away! Again if you are using non-organic produce which we strongly discourage, please remember to not eat the peel/skin.
Do we use organic produce
Do we use sugar?
We add NO sweeteners to our juices. Some smoothies have small amounts of natural sweeteners added. We offer options of raw agave, and stevia in store on made to order smoothies. Fruit sugar is our only sugar used, such as apples / blueberries / raspberries / strawberries
It is important to understand the difference between added sugars and sugars which occur naturally in foods like fruits and vegetables. The most common added sugar is regular white refined table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup. Two items, which if removed from your diet will dramatically assist and losing unwanted weight.
Fruit sugar is not the problem for most people. Processed sugar is a danger to food safety and is known to cause a wealth of health issues if not managed with a balanced diet.
Beet Street Juicery does not prescribe or diagnose illnesses, and we suggest diet planning by a medical person or licensed nutritionist.
How and Why we cold-press juice
How long is a fresh juice good for?
With a fresh unpasteurized cold-pressed juice you will be able to store your juice for up to three days in the refrigerator.
This is great if you work on the opposite end of town and would like to get your juice supply for the week, or if you live in a different city. No need to worry that your juices are going to spoil before you have a chance to down them. You'll probably have it halfway gone before you get home!
Importantance of calories?
This is an important question.
The first thing is to consider is the source. Processed foods vs. raw plant based unprocessed foods. Unprocessed foods are packed with nutrients that feed you. Processed foods often are empty of vital nutrition, but the filler ingredients may also cause health issues due to the chemicals used to make the most of the material used in preparing the processed item.
Nutrition is more than just calories, look at the whole picture when researching the value of a food or beverage. Calorie counting has never helped any one we know. If your diet consists mostly "wrapper" food, as in it came from a box, or a wrapper, and you have a weight problem, your primary dietary goal should be the limit of those types of calories.
You cannot cause obesity and illness in a healthy and clean body that is consuming a diet consisting of vegetation in the form of fruits, vegetable, nuts, sprouts, and seeds. the clean body uses calories efficiently. The clean body stops eating when full. Very few food addicts binge on vegetables. They generally reach for stimulating foods such as refined starchy carbs, over-cooked dead food, fried saturated fat, concentrated protein, as well as outright poisons such as processed salt, sugar, and white flour. Calories from these substances clog the digestive system. just like a high performing vehicle, the more low grade fuel you feed the body, the less fuel efficient it becomes.
The calories question is complex.
If you consume calories from raw foods in an unprocessed form, eliminate processed foods, and clean the digestive system, you should slowly lose weight, or at worst maintain a healthy weight without the risk of obesity--no matter how much you consume.
This challenges everything you've heard about calories in-energy out. we are not saying you can eat 4,000 calories of raw oatmeal and not gain weight.
There's a limit to how far you can challenge physics. We are saying that raw food calories matter less than processed food calories and certainly affect the body differently.
If you want to accomplish weight loss or weight maintenance, and if you want to add optimal health to your life, you need to focus on the following things in equal measure:
- (1) eliminate processed foods;
- (2) reduce animal protein intake down to a max of three days a week or eliminate it completely;
- (3) avoid dairy at all costs;
- (4) do not eat too late or too many times throughout the day;
- (5) combine foods properly, e.g. no starches and proteins together;
- (6) drink more raw green juices; and
- (7) create a reasonable diet plan that you can live with and stick with it.
Green juices neutralize acids and all raw juices make it easier to maintain blood alkalization.
Obviously, we recommend drinking as much juice as possible each and every day. Drinking juice and maintaining a sensible diet that excludes processed food is a step in the right direction towards optimal health. while many of juice’s nutritional benefits are readily displayed on the nutrition facts panel, all juices provide value beyond what is visible on the label. 100% juice is an ample source of phytonutrients (compounds in fruits, vegetables, and other plants that can help prevent and fight disease).
Although not listed on the label, there is strong scientific support for the role fruits and vegetables play in reducing disease risk. Additionally, research shows that drinking 100% juice is associated with a more nutritious diet overall. Studies suggest that appropriate consumption of 100% juice is linked to an overall healthier eating pattern, including reduced intake of total dietary fat, saturated fat, and added sugars.
Is it safe to exercise during my cleanse?
The importance of calories.
What about grocery store juices and other leading brands?
What if I drink a butt load of coffee every day?
What is high pressure pasteurization?
high pressure processing (hpp) is a non-thermal pasteurization process. It preserves and sterilizes food and juice by applying very high pressure (between 100 and 1,000 mpa) through a water bath that surrounds the product. exposure times range from a millisecond pulse to a treatment time of over 20 minutes. The high pressure inactivates certain microorganisms and enzymes in the food, which slows the deterioration of foods by stopping the chemical activity caused by microorganisms.
hpp and/or pasteurization is a required processes by the FDA for manufacturers who wholesale juices.
A retail juice operation that sells the juices that it produces is not required to use hpp or pasteurization.
What is Matcha Green Tea Powder?
Matcha Green Tea Powder is unique to Japan and has been celebrated for hundreds of years.
It is known for numerous health benefits such as antioxidants, fiber, chlorophyll, amino acids, and is highly detoxifying. It contains caffeine that produces a relaxing yet alert effect on the mind and body.
Learn more about Matcha and it's benefits Here.
Will i lose weight on a cleanse
You will lose weight because during a cleanse you're leaving out processed and cooked foods, pretty much living calorie deficit.
Juice is food. With enough variety a raw foods smoothie could be your main substance indefinitely as it provides all the carbs, protein, fats, vitamins, mineral and water you need.
With the typical modern diet, you need more food because you're getting less of the basic nutrients. therefore, we typically consume far more calories just to get through the day. We're always hungry and we need more and more stimulation from our food. the payback for this type of lifestyle is that we are gaining weight and aging ourselves faster than what is natural.
On a raw juice cleanse, one of the body’s first healing responses is to shed weight it doesn't need. this is completely unscientific and based solely on observing people doing cleanses. On a juice cleanse, you're in a calorie deficit. A day or two into a cleanse , your body becomes far more efficient at using the calories you're taking in. As cleansing continues, you'll feel like you need less while feeling like you have more energy.
Our popular cleanse is the basic six juice per day cleanse. Most people endure three to five days on this plan. This is a short-term cleanse relative to what it takes to do deeper cellular cleansing. A seven to fifteen day cleanse is worth considering for deeper cellular cleansing.
It’s not the juice alone that is performing mystical or magical work—it’s all about what you're leaving out. the simple fact is that during a cleanse you are avoiding processed foods, bad food combinations and overeating. When you do this, your body is allowed to do what it is designed to do: heal.